The Prince Albert Grand Council Women’s Commission’s 20th annual “Honouring Our Sisters & Brothers MMIWG2S Walk” is underway.

The event started at the Sisters in Spirit Monument on the Prince Albert river bank.

“This walk this year is dedicated to our good friend Shirley Henderson, who we lost last year, and so we walk with her in spirit too, as well as the missing and murdered that we walk with every year,” said Sheryl Kimbley.

The event opened with prayers by Bella Dumais and an honour song by the Ironswing drum group.

The day had presentations from dignitaries and family members of those missing and/or murdered.

“We are just concerned about the vulnerable people on the street, not only in Prince Albert but right across Turtle Island,” explained PAGC Vice Chief Chriss Jobb.

The walk commences with a police escort from the river and ends at Kinsmen Park.

They provided t-shirts to the walkers who attended the opening ceremony at the river bank.

They will also be providing lunch at Kinsmen Park.