Buffalo River Band Suing Province, Ottawa

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 at 15:01



A councillor with the Buffalo River Dene Nation says a lawsuit has been filed against the provincial and federal governments for failing to consult the band over land use.


Wesley Sylvestre confirms a statement of claim was registered in Saskatoon Court of Queen’s Bench back on October 11th.


He says, among other things, the province failed to consult band members about trees harvested from their traditional hunting and trapping grounds.


Sylvestre says recent court decisions like the one affecting the Mikasoo Cree make it clear consultation is required when development occurs on First Nations territory.


According to the band, this is the first lawsuit filed in Saskatchewan regarding the “duty to consult and accommodate”.


Sylvestre won’t say how much money the band is seeking, only that it expects the government to begin abiding by due process.