Dene Taking Primrose Hunting Case To UN

Wednesday, December 07, 2005 at 15:09



A member of the Buffalo River Dene Nation says the band has begun international proceedings against the federal government for denying members nearby hunting rights.


Back in 1994, two hunters from the band were charged with illegally hunting in the Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range.


The hunters stated they were merely excercising their traditional hunting rights.


A provincial court judge sided with them before an appeal court reversed the decision.


The band’s Adelard Blackman says the band turned to the United Nations for help after the Supreme Court refused to hear the case.


Blackman says the band is working to have charges laid against Canada by the United Nations in an international court.


Blackman is calling on other northerners to support the band in the fight, and says they are in it for the long haul.