Housing Program Expansion Geared Only At Families
Monday, August 14, 2006 at 13:09
More details are emerging about the recent expansion of an affordable housing program in northern Saskatchewan.
Two weeks ago, the province announced that potential homeowners in La Ronge, Air Ronge, Creighton and Denare Beach were now eliblible to apply for a one-time forgiveable equity loan of up to $19,500.
That offer had already been on the table for residents in other northern communities.
As well, the province announced a household could make as much as $62,000 in annual income and still qualify for the program — the previous income limit was $49,500.
What wasn’t announced is that applicants must have children or other dependants to qualify.
Minister responsible Buckley Belanger says the government is trying to help as many people as possible on a limited budget — but doesn’t want people to assume they have to have children in order to get a home.
Belanger adds there are northern housing programs geared at single people, as well.
Meantime, government officials say the program is not only for first-time homeowners — and it isn’t just for people planning to build a new home. Would-be buyers of existing dwellings also qualify.