Jackson Backs Harrison’s Challenge Of Vote Results

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 at 13:20



The NDP’s Anita Jackson says she agrees there needs to be an investigation into allegations of voting irregularities in Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River.


Jackson says she’s heard from first-hand sources the same allegations Jeremy Harrison has spoken about concerning various polls.


In addition, she says she’s received reports about NDP supporters being harassed at polling stations on the West Side.


She also has concerns about how Monday’s power outage was dealt with at the La Ronge polling station, claiming several voters were turned away early on.


Jackson says if there were irregularities, it might explain why the NDP’s support in the riding was much lower than forecast.


She adds a recount and investigation is necessary to erase any doubts about the outcome.


Meanwhile, at least one northern leader is taking issue with Jackson’s statements. Ile-a-la-Crosse mayor Max Morin says he didn’t see evidence of any harassment at the polling station in his village — and feels Jackson is unfairly putting his community in a bad light.