Long-Term Impact Of Diesel Spill Still Unclear

Friday, June 16, 2006 at 13:42



A government expert on fuel spills says he’s not sure how long it will take to clean up the diesel on Wollaston Lake.


Brad Sigurdson of the province’s hazardous materials section says the slick now measures seven miles in length.


He says water tests have determined band members can drink from their taps without concern, but a lot of other work remains.


The province says water quality monitoring will be carried out over the next few weeks to ensure the water systems continue to show no detectable traces of diesel fuel.


Area residents have been asked to continue avoiding Welcome Bay for recreational purposes, including fishing and swimming. As well, residents are being told not to drink water directly from the lake.


Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the Hatchet Lake band says the shoreline needs a serious cleaning.


However, Mary Denechezhe says residents have done a good job of sticking together through this situation, and she’s confident things will eventually be OK.