Mercredi Set To Speak At Personal Security Event
Friday, November 23, 2007 at 13:50
The president of the Saskatchewan Multi-Cultural Society says she’s pleased a prominent First Nations leader has agreed to speak at her event.
Misipawistik Chief Ovide Mercredi, the former national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, is the keynote speaker at tonight’s first-ever “Making Canada Inclusive and Safe” conference in Saskatoon.
The event will touch on a number of issues related to personal safety and security, including the role of law enforcement and social justice.
Society president Nayed Javed says Mercredi’s insight into the subject matter is deeply appreciated.
Javed says the Canadian government seems to be approaching security issues with a complete disregard for social justice and sensitivities.
She argues the two go hand-in-hand and can’t be separated from one another.