Northern Labour Group Celebrates 20 Years
Wednesday, December 10, 2003 at 13:19
The Northern Labour Market Committee is celebrating 20 years of supporting employment and training opportunities in the province’s North.
The group is made up of industry representatives, educational institutions, community leaders and the provincial and federal governments.
The Northern Labour Market Committee also has 11 subcommittees that focus on sectors like mining, forestry, aviation, tourism, oil sands development and traditional economies.
The committee is responsible for developing the Multi-Party Training Plan with goverment — an initiative that’s resulted in the training and hiring of more than 15-hundred mining and forestry workers in the North since 1993.
The 20-year anniversary is being celebrated at the committee’s quarterly meeting in Prince Albert, which got underway this morning.
As part of the celebration, a booklet has been created that documents the actions of the committee over the last 2 decades.