PAGC Hoping To Help Gang Members Who Want Out

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 13:32



The Prince Albert Grand Council is hoping to give more options to Aboriginal gang members who are trying to break free.


The PAGC is working on developing an exit strategy for youth caught up in the gang lifestyle.


Gang worker Howard Halkett says there are few options open to gang members when they want to get out — a “beat out” or the Red Road.


Halkett explains the Red Road involves turning your life around through the teachings of elders and other means.


However, he says many youth aren’t aware of how to get that help.


That’s why he’d like to get specialized training for himself and a few other colleagues, but the course he needs to take is in Toronto and expensive.


He estimates it will cost in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to get the training and set up the program.


Halkett says he plans to talk to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice for help.


But he will take assistance from whoever is willing to step forward, and hopes to have something in place early next year.