PBCN Consultation Meetings Continue

Thursday, August 24, 2006 at 15:16



Consultation meetings revolving around amendments to the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Band Custom Elections Act are nearing the wrap up point.


PBCN Chief Harold Linklater says the consultation meetings are being held because there were many concerns by band members over the elections act, and changes needed to be made.


Linklater says it’s vital for the membership to come out to the consultations to discuss the underlying issues and problems, as well as the upcoming constitution work.


Linklater says many issues revolved around accessibility to polling stations, as well as office terms and the appeals process.


The communities of Pelican Narrows, Sandy Bay and Deschambault Lake held meetings earlier this week.


Kinisao and Southend will be hosting the consultations today at 1 and 6 pm respectively. Sturgeon Landing, Denare Beach, and Prince Albert will host the meetings tomorrow and Tuesday.