Province Promises Gasoline Spill Clean-up

Wednesday, December 02, 2009 at 12:05



A government spokesman says a gasoline spill in the North is being dealt with in the best possible way.


Ralph Bock works for Saskatchewan Environment’s Hazardous Materials branch.


Bock says a consultant is on site right now, determining the best way to clean up the gas.


About 500 litres of gas were spilled when a double-tanker transport truck drove off the road near Southend.


The accident happened Thursday, about 3 km outside Southend on Hwy. 102.


The road was closed after that accident, but re-opened on Friday.


Bock says he’s confident everything that can be done is being done to clean the site up permanently.


“We’ve got a consultant up there, working as diligently as possible — given the conditions and the logistics up there — to come up with a suitable corrective action plan,” he says.


Bock says that plan is expected to be presented to the ministry within days.


If the ministry likes it, it will be implemented.