Sawmill Buyer Considering Lawsuit

Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 13:51



The president of a company buying the Big River sawmill says the firm is considering suing the province.


Rick Doman says EACOM can’t understand why it didn’t receive any timber in the province’s recent timber allocation.


Doman says they did everything the provincial government asked, but got nothing.


He says when companies buy other sawmills across the province and across Canada, the timber rights go with them — but not in this case.


Doman says EACOM is getting legal advice to find out if they may have been treated differently.


“We have no option. If we feel we’ve been not treated properly, then if we have no alternative, then that’s what we have to look at. We haven’t made a decision on it, but we’re certainly seeking an opinion,” he says.


Doman says going to court is not the company’s first choice, and they’re continuing their call for a public inquiry into how the wood was allocated.


He says that as a very last resort, EACOM would move the mill somewhere where they can get enough timber.