Study Examines Metis Mortality Rates

Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at 12:47



A new report has been released that looks into the mortality rates of Metis people.


Researchers with Statistics Canada say that up to now, there hasn’t been a lot of data compiled about Metis death rates.


That is due primarily to the fact that Aboriginal identity doesn’t go on death registrations.


The study concludes that Metis people live shorter lives than non-Aboriginal people, due to social and health factors.


Lead researcher Michael Tjepkema says the mortality rate for men is elevated due to issues such as respiratory and circulatory diseases.


For example, at age 25, a Metis man could expect to live an additional 49.5 years, which is about 3.3 years shorter than the non-Aboriginal men in the study group.


The gap is even wider for between Metis and non-Aboriginal women.


The study found that a Metis woman, aged 25, could expect to live another 53.7 years.


That’s about five-and-a-half years less than the average for non-Aboriginal women.


Once again, circulatory troubles are cited as some of the top reasons for that, along with cancer and digestive troubles.