Tory MP Reacts To Poll-By-Poll Election Results

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 13:52



Recently-released numbers from Elections Canada indicate new northern Saskatchewan MP Rob Clarke received the lion’s share of his support from non-Aboriginal communities in his by-election win last month.


However, there were some First Nations and Metis communities where Clarke captured a higher percentage of the vote than his Tory predecessor, Jeremy Harrison.


They include Ile-a-la-Crosse, Shoal Lake and the Mistawasis reserve — where Clarke’s support equalled that of Liberal candidate Joan Beatty.


Clarke is not surprised he got more than a few votes in Ile-a-la-Crosse, where he made promises to boarding school survivors.


Clarke also admits voters in Shoal Lake may have followed the advice of their chief to vote Tory in order to punish the Liberals for appointing Beatty as their candidate.


But he says he also has friends there from his time as an RCMP officer.