Documentary Tells Story of Metis Road Allowance
Friday, January 28, 2011 at 14:02
A new film documentary showing an important and tragic part of Metis history premiered in Regina last night.
(La Sawndr akwa Mawtoowin) Ashes and Tears The Green Lake Story tells how in 1949 the Metis road allowance people of Lestock, were forcibly relocated to Green Lake for a better future, and then found none.
In the summer of 1949, the Métis families living on a road allowance near Lestock, Saskatchewan were promised bountiful land, jobs, and social assistance by government agents on the condition that they move to an experimental co-operative farm in the northern settlement of Green Lake.
Ruth Robillard is the film’s producer.
She says the film was inspired by the story of a child who went to Green Lake.
Robillard says it’s important to for this film to be shared with future generations.
The film was produced in co-operation with Friends on the Outside in Regina and Campion College at the University of Regina.