Ten Prince Albert families will soon have an affordable, safe place to call home.

The province has contributed $2 million toward the total project cost of $2.9 million of a new housing project.

The rest of the cost was provided by Northern Spruce Housing Corporation and the Prince Albert Grand Council.

The housing development in the West Hill neighbourhood was officially opened yesterday.

Northern Spruce general manager Kelly Skiffington says they will be for families:

“Five duplex units, so they are two-bedroom units.  Nine out of the 10 units are two-level — and the 10th unit is a wheelchair-accessible unit, which is one level.  They are for small families, just based on the fact that they are two-bedroom.  So it would be one parent with one child or two small children.”

Skiffington says there is a need for affordable housing in Prince Albert.

The families start moving in next week.