Newly selected Saskatchewan NDP Leader Cam Broten says he supports resource revenue sharing with First Nations but it remains to be seen where the party will go on the issue.
In the 2011 provincial election, the NDP received negative feedback after saying it would pursue resource revenue sharing with First Nations as part of its platform.
Broten says the policy was not communicated well to the electorate in the last campaign but it is something he would like to revisit.
The Sask Party government says it has no interest in resource revenue sharing with First Nations.
A resolution that would see the party support provincial funding of on-reserve education to equalize it to levels of what off-reserve students receive in the province was passed at the NDP convention this past weekend.
(the story originally said that this resolution was defeated at the convention which is inaccurate)
Broten is a little more non-committal as to whether the province should fund on-reserve education but says the government should be lobbying the federal government more vigorously to equalize funding.
The Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations has been pushing the provincial government to ignore jurisdiction and fund on-reserve education so it is equal to what other students in the province receive.