by MBC News | Jun 11, 2013
Five years after Canada apologized to residential school survivors the Assembly of First Nations says there is a growing frustration among Aboriginal people with the work that’s been done to follow up on the pledge. AFN chief Shawn Atleo says the historic apology...
by MBC News | Jun 11, 2013
One factor causing the rapidly increasing prison incarceration rates of Aboriginal women is their overall exposure to violence, an official with Corrections Services Canada says. Kimberley Lavoie, the director of the Aboriginal Corrections Policy Division, was...
by MBC News | Jun 11, 2013
Planes from Saskatchewan are being used to help fight fires in Manitoba. For the past few days CV 580 airtankers have flown over a section of bush, north of Thompson, to release fire-retardant there. Scott Wasylenchuk of Saskatchewan Environment says it’s a...
by MBC News | Jun 11, 2013
Tami Starlight and Vanessa Bui are traveling across Canada as part of the Decolonize and Anti-Oppression Workshop Tour, which stopped in Saskatoon on Monday night. The tour began in late April, and the two have stopped in pretty much every major city between Vancouver...
by MBC News | Jun 10, 2013
A new Aboriginal learning centre got a little help from the Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan on Monday morning. Saskatoon Public Schools’ Brightwater Eco-Science and Indigenous Learning Centre officially opened its doors thanks to a $1 million dollar donation from...
by MBC News | Jun 10, 2013
A man from the Muskoday First Nation has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. Cody Walker appeared before a judge at Queen’s Bench court in Prince Albert this morning, where the sentence was handed down. He pleaded guilty to a charge of manslaughter in the...
by MBC News | Jun 10, 2013
A former student of St. Pascal’s Day School in Green Lake is encouraging fellow survivors to sign onto a class action lawsuit that is being filed against the institution. Paul Laliberte says he suffered physical abuse at the school in the 1960’s. He says the facility...
by MBC News | Jun 10, 2013
The head of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations says a $1.1 million dollar cut in federal funding may force the organization to lay off staff and cut programming. Chief Perry Bellegarde says the FSIN knew cuts were coming for months but they only found out a...
by MBC News | Jun 10, 2013
University of Saskatchewan archaeology students unearthed what they believe to be a 4,000-year-old bison jawbone at Wanuskewin Heritage Park on Friday. Andrew McDonald is the sales and marketing manager at Wanuskewin. He says what is remarkable about the bison jawbone...
by MBC News | Jun 10, 2013
This year’s wild-fur season is drawing to a close. Dave Bewick of North American Fur Auction says this year will go down as one of the best ever. “I would say it’s up there with the best. I remember 1987 was a pretty darn, good year. That’s...