The provincial government’s Special Committee on Traffic Safety visited La Ronge today to gather information from the public.
It is one of the final stops on the provincial tour which also included Regina, Estevan, Saskatoon, Prince Albert and Pelican Narrows.
The first presenter of the morning was Lac La Ronge Indian Band Chief Tammy Cook-Searson.
She brought along a list of suggestions from the band council on areas which need to be improved to increase traffic safety.
The Chief pointed out several dangerous areas along Highway 2 in the area of the reserve, Air Ronge and La Ronge which need changes.
She also pointed out that one problem is a lack of proper lighting along major roads.
“The lighting in the area of residential areas, not just in La Ronge but in the other communities like Hall Lake, Sucker River, Grandmother’s Bay, Stanley, Little Red, the more populated areas, so more lighting on the streets”.
Cook-Searson also pointed out the extremely poor condition of the roads leading to Sucker River and Stanley Mission.
“And I know that there’s a lot of development that’s happening in the north and we realize that a lot of money from Land And Resources is taken and spent elsewhere, not too much on our highways, and the road conditions that our people have to deal with would probably be unbearable for other residents of Saskatchewan”.
The Legislative committee is paying special attention to the areas of impaired driving, distracted driving, excessive speed, intersection safety, and wildlife collisions.
It will table its report in August.