Journey For Justice Stops In Regina

It is being called the journey for  justice. It’s a 20 year multi-million dollar court challenge over First Nations land rights. This case involves a big chunk of the B.C. interior. The supreme court will hear the historic appeal next Thursday. Today, the journey for...

Inmate’s Mother Appeals For Help

A mother is making a plea to keep her son out of isolation at the Saskatchewan Penitentiary. Mrs. Dale Hamm is the mother of Mathew Hamm – an inmate at the Saskatchewan penitentiary. In an interview from Alberta, she said her son is in the pen because he escaped...

Idle No More Co-Founder Addresses Labor Group

The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour heard from a special guest this morning at its annual convention. Sheelah McLean, one of the co-founders of the Idle No More movement, talked about a number of issues including the need for blue-coller workers to be active in...

Government Stays Mum About Reasons Behind Appeal

The federal government is staying mum about why it decided to appeal a case involving jurisdiction of Metis and Non-status Indians. This week the Federal Court of Appeal heard arguments from Ottawa and lawyers for the two groups. The case was sparked by Harry Daniels,...