A new report is out detailing some of the challenges First Nations people face while living off-reserve.

The Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights looked at off-reserve federal programs and the barriers facing Aboriginal people trying to use them.

It found that urban Aboriginal people sometimes become the victims of jurisdictional disputes that may result in the failure of government to provide adequate service.

First Nations women living off-reserve also faced issues of poverty, child-care and sexism on a different level than men.

The Native Women’s Association of Canada noted economic security was something they could badly use as it often led to better housing and less chance of being subject to violence.

The association estimates some Aboriginal women make as little as $12,000 a year.

The report urges the federal government to take this information into account.

The paper also found that some health providers aren’t aware that off-reserve First Nations people still quality for some non-insured health benefits.