The federal government is providing close to $318,000 to Missinipi Broadcasting Corporation to assist the radio station in providing core programming.

MBC radio provides music and news programming in Cree, Dene and English to thousands of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in all parts of Saskatchewan.

MBC CEO Deborah A. Charles says in a release the corporation is thankful for the government’s ongoing support.

“Missinipi Broadcasting Corporation is grateful for the continued support given to its Aboriginal Languages Programming and takes pride in its major role played in enhancing and preserving the languages of Canada’s Aboriginal peoples,” she says.

She adds the funding enables MBC to perform its core programming functions.

“We deeply appreciate the direct support given to Aboriginal culture and with the continued support from the Department of Canadian Heritage we will continue to fulfill our mandate to preserve and protect our languages.”

MBC provides a variety of programming in Cree and Dene helping to ensure these traditional Indigenous languages are preserved throughout Saskatchewan.

The federal funding is provided by Heritage Canada through the Aboriginal Peoples’ Program.

The program supports the full participation of Aboriginal people in Canadian society including the promotion and preservation of traditional languages and cultures.

The program is also targeted toward helping Indigenous people address the social, cultural, economic and political issues that affect their lives.