The 17th Annual John Arcand Fiddle Fest is in full swing this weekend just southwest of Saskatoon.

The festival officially kicked off Thursday and offers four days of fiddle music, jigging, workshops and cultural camps.

One of the highlights of this year’s festival is the presentation of the prestigious Canada Council for the Arts Molson Prize which will be given to John Arcand on Saturday night for his contributions to music.

The 72-year-old Arcand says he doesn’t really like to talk about accolades too much but he does appreciate the recognition.

“I’m a very humble guy and I don’t ask for any of this but if it comes, so be it,” he says.

Festival organizer and John Arcand’s wife Vicki says the $50,000 in cash that comes with the award will certainly come in handy.

“John has been a self employed musician all his life and I don’t think much more needs to be said than that because as a self-employed musician, you don’t have a pension plan,” she says. “So, it’s really welcome at this stage in his life. It offers a little bit of freedom.”

Vicki Arcand says as part of the award presentation on Saturday John Arcand and friends will take the stage and play some of his homemade fiddles.

The Arcands say they plan to use the money to pay down the mortgage on their property.

Only two Canada Council for the Arts Molson Prizes are given out each year.