Prince Albert Mayor Greg Dionne says he has concerns about the Sask Party government’s latest proposal to fund a second bridge in the city.

Premier Brad Wall made the announcement yesterday that the provincial government will commit to funding for a second bridge in Prince Albert under the P3 model.

This would mean all three levels of government would provide funding as well as the private sector.

Dionne says any discussion about a new bridge is positive but the city does have some concerns when it comes to the P3 model.

He says there are two hurdles to overcome in building the bridge, one involving how much the project would cost the city.

“One of the hurdles is the first bridge that was proposed would be 100 per cent funding by the province… but under the P3 model we could be on the hook for $30 million,” he says.

Dionne also says the city is in need of a second hospital as well.

A new hospital will cost roughly $400 million and the city would be responsible for $80 million of this price tag.

“Then it becomes a priority, is the hospital number one or is it the bridge, so we are looking at the bridge and we are going to keep our eyes wide open.”

He says the city is currently conducting a study to see which is the most immediate priority for Prince Albert – a bridge or a hospital.

Premier Wall remains in the Prince Albert area this week as Sask Party MLAs head up to Elk Ridge Resort for a caucus retreat.