A new northern MP means the advocacy group for northern Saskatchewan municipalities will need a new chairperson.

Georgina Jolibois is currently New North’s chairperson for the western region.

CEO Al Loke says Jolibiois will have to step down now that she’s been elected federally, and the board is currently waiting on her official letter of resignation.

At a board of directors meeting next month, New North will decide what the next step is.

In the meantime, “the acting chair – our deputy chair – has already stepped into her position and I’m assuming that’s where they’re going to leave him because the municipal elections are in a year so within the constitution it says we don’t have to change or do anything if it’s less than a year,” Loke said.

With Jolibois’ chair position, the board can operate with one member absent, he further explained.

Loke said western area’s interests will still be well-represented, since the member-at-large of New North’s board is Ila-a-la Crosse mayor Duane Favel.

Jolibois is also La Loche’s mayor, but so far the village’s administration hasn’t been available for comment on how the northern village will proceed now that she’s been elected as an MP.