A steel mesh fence separating protesters from the Indigenous affairs office near downtown Regina was gone on Thursday.

It went up Tuesday afternoon by order of the building’s owner, but was removed on Wednesday afternoon.

About a dozen people have set up a small tent village on a strip of gravel in front of the building, as part of the “Occupy INAC” movement which has shut down offices in five Canadian cities.

Regina protester Carmel Crowchild says not enough is being done to deal with a suicide crises among young people on many Canadian reserves.

“In La Loche alone, the community has put out a cry for help,” she said. “It’s a crisis call because their children are wanting to commit suicide and this is happening right across Canada.”

Crowchild says all of the protests will end at the same time, but she is not sure when that will happen.

The Regina office has been closed since last Friday.