Austin Jobb of Thakotitan Economic Development Corp. one of several Aboriginal representatives at a business conference in Saskatoon this week.

A quick 20 minutes may be all it takes to develop some life-long business partners for some Aboriginal communities in the province.

A networking event in Saskatoon this week has been aiming to pair First Nations in the province with appropriate business partners.

Aboriginal Business Match sets up brief 20 minute appointments with businesses and interested First Nation parties to determine if a positive relationship can be found.

The conference runs like a speed-dating service, but the connections made are economic rather than romantic.

The prairie region event wrapped up in Saskatoon yesterday.

Austin Jobb with Thakotitan Economic Development Corporation out of Southend says the event has been beneficial because he says it’s often difficult to find a company that is the right match.

“It is really exciting for our community to establish these relationships with these companies, many of whom I have never heard of before,” said Jobb.

The Southen representative says his main goal in the conference was to find employment opportunities for their residents.

“We have a lot of good and able bodied men and women from Southend who are looking to possibly work for these people.”

Jobb along with other participants would have had the opportunity to meet with over 30 different companies during the conference.

Organizers of the conference say they hope the partnerships developed during these 20 minute meetings will last far longer.