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Prince Albert Grand Council is hosting its elections for a new leader on Tuesday.

Two hundred and fifty-one delegates made up of the chiefs, band councilors and elders from 12 First Nations will be selecting a new leader for the council.

The election will be part of the organization’s grand assembly. The two-day event will start with a pipe ceremony, prayers and memorial songs. It will be followed by speeches from the candidates on the first day.

Elmer Ballantyne, Brian J. Hardlotte and Charles A. Whitecap are all vying to replace Ron Michel as leader of the council. Michel has held the position since 2005, and is now choosing to step down.

Voting will run from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. on the second day of the assembly. Following the closing of polls, the declaration of election and the oath of office will be held for the new grand chief.

The PAGC is the representative body of 12 First Nations in northern Saskatchewan and 30,000 Indigenous People.