Photos from a previous Santa Claus run. Photo courtesy TransWest Air, Facebook.
Transwest Air will be flying Santa to the communities of Black Lake, Fond-du-Lac and Stony Rapids today and Wollaston tomorrow.
The man in red will be leaving Prince Albert this morning and will be delivering gifts to children in each of the communities. In the 17 years that the program has run, the airline says they have not experienced much change.
“There seems to be a nice system that we have going on. Santa travels from Prince Albert, and we bring the gifts up there with us and we visit the communities and the schools,” said Transwest Air representative, Patty Hughes. “It is actually quite a well-attended event in all the communities, they all look forward to it.”
The airline is expecting around 500 attendees to each of their four visits in the province’s north. The northern children will receive treats, along with the gifts.
“Each child will get a gift from Santa, along with an orange and a candy cane, as well as time to sit on Santa’s knee,” said Hughes.
In addition to the northern visits, Transwest Air has prepared a package to be shipped to the children of Uranium City.