Big River First Nation is celebrating a donation of 100 sets of hockey and golf equipment from Sports Central in Edmonton and the Saskatoon Blades.

“I think it’s really important to develop leadership and leaders through sports and recreation, and getting our children involved in all aspects of sport,” said a school principal on the First Nation, Lyle Whitefish.

The donated hockey equipment is currently held at a community storage area and can be signed out and used by anyone in the community. The golf equipment is planned to be distributed under a similar structure come spring.

The donations came after Whitefish was introduced to Sports Central while he was meeting with the Edmonton Oilers to discuss promoting Indigenous athletics.

“The Edmonton Oilers are friends of First Nations,” said Whitefish. “It was honouring to have met with Tim Shipton and Kevin Lowe and discuss the endeavours within our community.”

Tim Shipton is the senior vice president for the Oilers Entertainment Group and Kevin Lowe is the group’s vice chair.

In an email to MBC, Whitefish noted that he, along with Glen “Chico” Resch and Fred Sasakamoose, have been working with the Oilers to develop an event celebrating Indigenous athletes.

(PHOTO: Kids from Big River First Nation wearing their new hockey equipment. Photo courtesy of Lyle Whitefish.)