Several organizations have come together to ensure stronger treaty education in Saskatchewan’s schools.
The Saskatchewan School Board Association, the FSIN, Saskatchewan’s Indian Cultural Centre and the Office of the Treaty Commissioner all came together in Saskatoon Friday morning to sign a historic memorandum of understanding on treaty education.
The goal of the agreement will be to ensure students across the province receive a strong education on Saskatchewan’s treaties while attending their schools.
“This MOU is the first step towards reconciliation through education,” said FSIN Chief, Bobby Cameron. “It provides a way forward for the institutions involved to create treaty awareness in the classroom.”
Treaty Commissioner, Mary Culbertson, says she was very excited to continue her work on treaty education under this agreement.
“Education was once a vehicle used to oppress First Nations people,” said Culbertson. “Though, education reconciliation can be one day achieved.”
Saskatchewan School Board Association President, Shawn Davidson, echoed those sentiments.
“Joining together to sign this MOU is about our commitment to work together for the benefit of all Saskatchewan students,” he said.
All involved in the signing of the MOU have pledged to work together to strengthen the province’s treaty education.
This will mean more visible symbols of the treaties throughout schools and a strengthened emphasis on the treaties in school curriculum.
Already, schools and education offices across the province are beginning to display the treaty symbol.
(PHOTO: Treaty Commissioner Mary Culbertson, SSBA President Shawn Davidson, FSIN Chief Bobby Cameron and SICC President Wanda Wilson signing the historic MOU. Photo by Joel Willick.)