Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde is continuing to call on the Liberal government to pass the Indigenous Languages Act.

Bellegarde gave the opening address at the Assembly of First Nations’ Special Chiefs Assembly this morning in Ottawa and commented on language revitalization.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised an Indigenous Languages act in December of 2016 and has been working with the Assembly of First Nations on the legislation.

Bellegarde says he would like to see the Indigenous Languages Act passed before the House rises in June.

“The Indigenous Languages Act is so important to our identity as First Nation’s people and we want to see it passed soon,” said Bellegarde. “Everyone needs to work together to revitalize Indigenous languages.”

74 per cent of Canadians said they are in favour of an Indigenous Languages Act, according to a Nanos Research poll conducted last year.

Indigenous leaders, spectators, elders, and other delegates are gathered at the three-day assembly to recap the progress that has been made and prioritize for the next year.

“Acknowledging our Challenges, Successes and Opportunities” is the theme of the assembly.

(Photo: Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde. Photo courtesy of