Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation is the newest member of the Northern Saskatchewan Football League.

“It’s always a good feeling to expand and improve — and welcome new teams on board,” said Mark Williment, who is with the league.

Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation brings the amount of teams participating in the league to eight. If you count La Ronge, which plays in a different league, there are nine northern football teams.

Williment also says the league will have a new look next season, with two different tiers.

“The first tier of teams — Cumberland, Sandy Bay, Pinehouse and Creighton will form one conference and two teams from that conference will enter into the provincials,” said Williment.

“The other tier — the division two teams, they are at a different level of development — La Loche and Beauval. We’ve thought about inviting back Senator Myles Venne, who will be playing again next year in this system.”

Meantime, La Ronge will host the Northern Football Jamboree May 10-11. Several members of the Saskatchewan Roughriders are scheduled to be in attendance.

For more information on the event, you can check out the Northern Saskatchewan Football League on Facebook.

(PHOTO: A game last year in the Northern Saskatchewan Football League. Photo courtesy of Northern Saskatchewan Football League, Facebook.)