High temperatures, combined with little rain is intensifying wildfires in northern Saskatchewan.

There are currently 17 active fires and 202 on the season.

Two fires are being closely monitored by the Sask. Protective Services Agency.

The Briggs fire is burning close to Cameco’s Cigar Lake uranium mine. On Thursday the company evacuated 230 non-essential employees.

That fire is approximately 1500 hectares in size.

Steve Roberts, the Vice-President of Operations with the Sask. Protective Services Agency said that blaze began Tuesday, but is now threatening the mine’s air strip. He said there is road access to the site.

He explained that Cameco is burning off critical fuel, while managing to protect vital mine infrastructure. There are no structural losses.

The Lock fire is burning 45 kilometers west of Buffalo Narrows.

Its is approximately 3300 hectares in size.

Roberts said that fire is experiencing significant growth as it is located in commercial timbers.

Localized smoke could develop this afternoon and into tomorrow.

Roberts said indoor air purifiers for community centers and arenas have been deployed to Buffalo Narrows to provide relief.

The hot and dry conditions have prompted a province-wide fire ban.

This includes, open fires, controlled burns and fireworks and is extended to provincial parks. The prohibition is in place until further notice.