The Saskatchewan Court of Queen’s Bench has rejected an application by Gerald Morin to conduct a judicial recount of ballots cast in the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan election, which was held May 29.

Morin, who was contesting for the Vice-President position argued “that an election officer improperly rejected ballot papers, made an incorrect statement of the number of votes cast for any candidate or improperly counted or added up the votes,” read the ruling. “According to the poll records of the respondent Chief Electoral Officer, 110 ballots were rejected at the polls as “rejected ballots”. In addition, another 11 ballots were classified as “spoiled ballots”.”

The court found that no evidence was presented to prove electoral wrongdoing.

“Counsel for Mr. Morin concedes that there is no admissible evidence of improprieties in the election procedures or that the election officials did not carry out their duties in good faith,” said the court.

Morin lost the election to Michelle LeClair by 106 votes. 4328 votes were cast, LeClair received 1370 votes and Morin received 1264 votes and the remaining three candidates the balance of the votes cast.

Morin argued that the 110 rejected ballots exceeded the 106 votes he lost by in an attempt to justify the recount.