Saskatchewan’s Minister of Justice continues to maintain that the Saskatchewan First Act isn’t a violation of duty to consult with First Nations and would hold up if legally challenged.

Minister Bronwyn Eyre spoke with reporters following a Chamber of Commerce meeting in Saskatoon on Thursday.

Reporters questioned her on the legislation, the opposition to it by many Fist Nation organizations in the province, and a meeting she had with the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations on Wednesday.

On December 16, the FSIN held a media conference with at least 30 chiefs from First Nations across the province denouncing the Saskatchewan First Act saying it was an infringement on treaty rights.

Eyre called Wednesday’s meeting with the FSIN “productive” and “cordial.”

“The message is we are all in this together,” said Eyre. “First Nation communities are a driver of our economic strength… and the message continues to be when we have concerns about federal policy… it is about protecting the economy for everyone in the province.

During the media scrum in December, FSIN Chief Bobby Cameron said blockades may come in response to the legislation. However, Minister Eyre believes Wednesday’s meeting may have delayed the threat of blockades at least in the near future.

“It was a resort we hoped it would never come to,” she said.

FSIN Chief Bobby Cameron has also mentioned possible legal avenues in response to the Saskatchewan First Act and Ministery Eyre maintains she believes the legislation would hold up in court if legally challenged.

“What I’m telling our First Nations partners is that the federal government, the energy minister, the Prime Minister, they have acknowledged that the provinces have exclusive jurisdiction over these areas,” said Eyre.

The Government says, the act aims to amend the provincial constitution to confirm Saskatchewan’s sovereignty over a number of areas including the exploration of natural resources.

Indigenous organizations have consistently spoken out against this legislation since it was introduced in the fall saying it infringes on treaty rights.

No official comment yet from the FSIN on how they received this week’s meeting with the Justice Minister.