By Roman Hayter

“Women of the Swift Flowing River,” is a provincial volunteer organization of First Nations, non-status members, Metis, Inuit, women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ women from across Saskatchewan.

The group’s vision is to improve the lives of Indigenous women and their families now and for future generations. “What we’re trying to do is get Indigenous women to become members of our group, and with this membership drive that we’re doing, it helps us to talk with the government and to get programs and funding for projects and to have a say in what programs or projects are in the community,” said President Linda Campbell.

The group also aims to provide culturally sensitive support by raising awareness, advocacy, mentoring, networking, outreach, and education for Indigenous and gender diverse women and their families. “First, we need their ideas, and then we can make proposals and ask for funding for different resources,” Campbell said.

A meeting took place at the Kikinahk Friendship Centre on today. People interested in the joining the program can apply for membership on the organization’s website