The Saskatchewan First Nations Water Association (SKFNWA) is looking to attract water professionals to their coming annual general meeting and conference.

The event is set to run from Sept 19-21 in Saskatoon at the Delta Bessborough Hotel. Reilly Checkosis, a member of the association’s board of directors said they are looking to attract a wide range of water professionals to the conference.

“What we’re aiming for is the First Nations water treatment plant operators, we’re looking for the community water monitors, water quality technicians, there’s a few in province, we’re also targeting for water delivery drivers and other health professionals that are linked with the drinking water program in the communities,” he said.

Professionals who attend the conference will have the chance to talk with their colleagues, who may have similar experiences and challenges. Checkosis said Elders and Knowledge Keepers will be part of the conference, offering traditional teachings. Land based teachings will also be part of the conference. Checkosis explained this conference will be different then ones which are put on by other water professionals organizations.

“Typically when our water staff goes to other workshops, some of the material is not targeted to the issues we have in our First Nations communities, their more targeted to the bigger cities and towns,” he said.

Checkosis said the Saskatchewan First Nations Water Association has been around for a number of years and has been working to support water professionals working on First Nations in province for some time. He said this includes communities in the north and added they are hoping to get a good number of people from the region to take part in the conference and AGM.

“There’s a lot of fly in communities that do need support, we do offer training for them and related if they have any other questions, that they can get a hold of us, we do have a few board members in the north and their always there to be utilized,” he said.

Water professionals who are interested in taking part in the conference and AGM are being encouraged to visit the Saskatchewan First Nations Water Association website. People who register for the conference before July 31 will be entered in to a draw for a prize.

“Anybody who has registered prior to July 31 will be eligible for the prize package that will be drawn for on Aug. 1,” said Checkosis.