A unique art exhibit is open on Friday at Wanuskewin Heritage Park.

Cree-Metis artis Kevin McKenzie has spent the past several weeks as the artist-in-residence at the Heritage Park.

His parting exhibit is called Not Noble; Just Deadly and features several pieces of armour he has deconstructed and reconstructed.

Exhibit Curator Olivia Kristoff, says the art pieces give a unique opportunity to tell different Indigenous stories.

“What does this armour mean in Indigenous culture, what does it mean compared to colonial ideas, and how has it been used against Indigenous people,” said Kristoff in a conversation with MBC Radio News. “Kevin has reinvented that colonialism by disassembling the pieces itself and then recreating them with Indigenous material to create our own sense of armour.”

Kristoff says she feels the process of creation along with disassembly and reconstruction gives the art pieces a heightened sense of importance.

“It’s a physical set, but also a spiritual set of armour,” she said.

The exhibit opens this weekend and will run through August.

(Photo provided)