The Northern Village of Cumberland House is getting ready to celebrate its 250-year celebration. 

Cumberland House is the oldest village in western Canada and was established in 1774 by Samuel Hearne, who was an explorer and fur trader. The village then became the Hudson Bay Company’s first inland fur-trading post. 

Since its establishment, the village has remained rich in Métis and Cree culture and is home to champion paddlers and trappers. 

“We have significant historical sites, and it’s a place where people can come and experience it; even along the river system, there’s so much history there that hasn’t even been found yet,” said deputy mayor Veronica Favel. 

The Saskatchewan River Delta, also known as the Cumberland Marshes, is the largest inland river delta in North America, fed by both the North and South Saskatchewan Rivers. 

The celebration will be the biggest in the Northern Village of Cumberland House’s history. 

“The whole theme is going to be history, so we’re really looking forward to how the parade is going to be decorated and how the floats will be decorated. From there, we will be going to the J.B. Settee Memorial Arena, where we’ll be having our grand opening, we’ll be having our marches, and all the different delegates will be coming in,” explained celebration committee member Denise McKenzie. 

King & Queen trapper events, a talent show, and museum tours are all events that will be taking place at the celebration. 

“There will be an area where they will be smoking moose meat and fish the old traditional way, and other cultural things like that will be going on,” said McKenzie. “There will also be different trailers that will have events for the kids, all connected to history.” 

The three-day event will take place from August 11–13, and everyone is invited. 

For more information on the event, visit the Cumberland House 250th Celebration Facebook page below.