The Metis Nation Saskatchewan (MN-S) is announcing the newest housing projects that are taking place in Timber Bay and La Ronge as part of their Regional Housing Strategy.
In Timber Bay at the ground-blessing and ground-breaking event, they started off the announcement in a good way, with Elder Jacob Lavalee providing the blessings to the homes foundation and area.
MN-S had a short presentation announcing the newest projects that are taking place in the Region.
“We have identified some of the areas in crisis, both with the lack of housing and inventory and a lack of safe, affordable, healthy shelter,” said Loretta King, MN-S of Infrastructure and Housing. “In response, we are pleased to be here today in Timber Bay to announce a tiny home project that’s been awarded to the region.”
The Timber Bay home is provided in collaboration with Corrections Services Canada (CORCAN) and will see a tiny home being moved on to the foundation very soon. It has been ordered and is expected to arrive next week if all goes as planned.
“We also have a project underway in La Ronge for 2 affordable duplexes, 4 units in total,” explained King. “These are currently under construction and will be ready to move to the location in early 2025, and infrastructure has already begun.”
Photo: La Ronge MN-S Housing duplex location/ By David Smith
The La Ronge housing project also had its ground-blessing and ground-breaking ceremony to kick off the project, which will be completed in early 2025.
“When completed, these units will support single families so that they can raise their children in a safe and healthy environment,” said King.
The homes will come with all appliances and will be a turnkey home ready to move in for the new tenants once completed.
The MN-S Regional Housing Strategy has already completed housing projects in Île-à-la-Crosse and La Loche.
MN-S has applied for funding to help provide another duplex in La Ronge.
They know more needs to be done and say to achieve any level of success they need the support of community partners, First Nations, the provincial and federal governments to provide safe and affordable housing.
Photo: Metis Nation Saskatchewan at Timber Bay housing announcement/ by Amber Bear