SaskMusic is launching an Indigenous Music Series. The program is meant to help Indigenous singers, songwriters, and industry professionals advance their careers.

The program will be offered in a hybrid format with both in-person and online workshops.

“It’s going to be kind of a hybrid format, so some of the workshops will be offered through Zoom, but some of them might be in Regina or Prince Albert. We’re trying to spread them out for people who live in those areas. It’s understandable if somebody from down south can’t travel up north for one session, but they can watch through Zoom,” explained Denny Blackstar, Music Development Program Coordinator with SaskMusic.

Participants will be meeting once a week for 1-2 hours either in person or online throughout the 15-week program.

Some of the topics that will be discussed throughout the 15 weeks include writing music, website and social media presence, and grant opportunities.

“We’re going to be meeting with different industry members and influential Indigenous artists and people that made an impact in the music industry,” said Blackstar.

Applicants don’t need years of music experience to enter the program, just a passion for the industry and a willingness to learn new skills that will help advance their careers.

“The program is really open for anybody; it could be for someone who is just getting their feet off the ground in music, or it could be for somebody who already has their foot in the door; really, it’s just for anybody looking to excel in their music career,” explained Blackstar.

Participants can sign up throughout the entirety of the 15-week program, which runs from February until the middle or end of May.

Visit the link below to sign up for the Indigenous Music Series.,article/7631/introducing-the-indigenous-music-series