The Saskatchewan Ministry of Health and Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) are alerting the public to a heightened risk of overdose and death from illicit drugs in the Saskatoon area.

Over the past week, the Saskatoon Fire Department has responded to an average of 19 overdoses per day. The latest Drug Alert issued by the Ministry of Health indicates that the Saskatoon Fire Department responded to 37 overdoses from March 5 to March 6.

This suggests an unusually potent and potentially lethal substance is circulating in the Saskatoon area.

The Ministry of Health and SHA are in contact with Saskatoon Fire officials as they work to ensure there is a collaborated response to the overdose situation in Saskatoon.

No illicit drug is safe and anyone who uses illicit drugs is at risk of overdose. Anyone who uses illicit drugs, or who has a loved one who uses illicit drugs, is strongly urged to take precautions.

Naloxone kits

Free Take Home Naloxone Kits are available at more than 450 locations across the province.

A list of sites can be found at:

Home testing kits

Illicit drugs can be tested for unknown contaminants and drug checking strips are available free of charge at Saskatoon Public Health for at home testing.

There are also drug checking spectrometers available at Prairie Harm Reduction in Saskatoon and Access Place in Prince Albert for staff-assisted drug testing. The spectrometers have the capacity to rapidly detect and quantify the amount of a variety of substances.

Sign up for drug alerts

Additionally, anyone can sign up for provincial drug alerts. The alerts warn about any elevated risk of overdose in a community. Sign up information is available at or text JOIN to 1-833-35-B-SAFE (352-7233).

Addictions services

Addictions treatment services are available at over a dozen locations in the Saskatoon area. Information on overdose prevention and addictions treatment can be found at

Anyone who witnesses an overdose is encouraged to call 911 knowing that the federal Good Samaritan Act provides protection from simple possession charges for people who seek help with an overdose for themselves or for others.

View this public service announcement on the Saskatchewan Health Authority website.