Saskatchewan’s Social Services Minister says more work needs to be done to understand housing needs in northern communities.
June Draude, who is also the minister responsible for the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, was in Sandy Bay on Tuesday to meet with community leaders and concerned citizens.
Draude says the cost of housing was one of several issues mentioned as concerns in the north:
“One of the biggest issues we have is communications between the SaskHousing officials and the tenants — and also the need for educational opportunities to ensure that people who are renting the SaskHousing properties are aware of responsibilities and rights and how we can be working together.”
Last month, a group of people staged a protest outside the SaskHousing office in Sandy Bay over the high cost of rent, as well as the eviction notices received by a number of local residents.
Draude says the biggest issue that came up during her visit was information about how evictions happen and what can be done to prevent them.