Sandy Bay Mother Makes Tent New Home

Friday, October 01, 2004 at 15:00



A young, single mother with 3 children has been living in a canvas tent in Sandy Bay the last few days to draw attention to the desperate housing situation in that community.


23-year-old Linda Beatty says over the last 6 years, she’s lived in the homes of as many as 15 families in Sandy Bay.


Beatty estimates there are 82 single moms with at least 3 children in Sandy Bay who are in the same situation — waiting for a home of their own.


Beatty points out there are currently 4 or 5 vacant homes in the northern village, and she’s heard word she’s near the top of the waiting list.


However, she says she has got her hopes up before, only to have them dashed — so she won’t abandon her tent until she gets the keys to one of those dwellings.


Beatty says if it gets really cold, she will live in an ice fishing shack.