Proponents of a Saskatoon accord say it is making significant progress in directing people in detention due to intoxication to the proper facilities.

The Saskatoon Action Accord was launched in July 2011.

It is a co-partnership between the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners, Saskatoon Tribal Council, Saskatoon Health Region, Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations and Saskatoon Police.

At an announcement Tuesday morning, members of the Action Accord say the number of people in detention due to intoxication that are being directed to Saskatoon police cells was reduced from 80 per cent to 50 per cent in 2013.

Saskatoon Health Region Director of Mental Health and Addiction Services Tracy Muggli says the Brief Detox Unit and Lighthouse are still turning people away on any given night but the situation has greatly improved.

“We’re still turning away a few people every day from our detox centre but as you saw our numbers today, they’re far less than what we had been turning away in the past,” she says.

Muggli adds permanent funding for a paramedic at police cells for 12 hours per day is also helping to improve services.

“The purpose is to ensure that people who are in the detention cells who are intoxicated are getting the care that they need and if they’re running into any medical concerns that they have a paramedic on site to be able to assess and potentially triage if necessary.”

In July 2013, The Lighthouse added 20 brief detox beds which has greatly improved capacity.

Muggli says the plan is to increase this up to a total of 38 beds.

There are currently 12 beds at the Brief Detox Unit.