Metis flags were raised this morning at all Saskatchewan Polytechnic campuses.

The schools raised the flags in honour of Louis Riel Memorial Day.

The day aims to celebrate the achievement and life of the late Metis leader.

The Director of Aboriginal Strategy for Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Jason Seright, says events like this are important because they have a high number of Aboriginal students on their campuses.

“It’s an education process for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people to get some knowledge and insight into who Louis Riel is,” said Seright.

This flag raising is a part of an initiative by Saskatchewan Polytechnic to better accommodate their First Nation students.

“In the past, a lot of educational institutions have not celebrated Aboriginal people,” said Seright. “We know there is some dark history for Aboriginal people in educational institutions.”

Seright says they want to create an atmosphere where a Metis student can walk into their buildings and immediately feel welcome.

More than 3,000 students of Aboriginal ancestry are registered at Saskatchewan Polytechnic schools.