Several people took to the streets of Saskatoon on Monday afternoon to celebrate and acknowledge those living with disabilities.

Monday was First Nations Disabilities Awareness Day and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations organized an event to get the word out.

The group walked from Friendship Park to the Saskatoon Farmers Market with several people honking in approval along the way.

Among the walkers was FSIN Interim Chief Kimberley Jonathan.

She says people with disabilities face several barriers and challenges every day.

“Many of us take out abilities for granted,” said Chief Jonathan.  “For myself being able to go from meeting to meeting and just jump in my car without hardships, we take that for granted.”

The Chief says people with disabilities are equal members of our society and deserve our praise.

“So today was about celebrating and acknowledging as well as shouting out to society that they are as important as those living with abilities,” said Chief Jonathan.

After the walk to group held an event at the farmers market where speakers and groups showcased ways for people with disabilities to find support.

“I hope the public will be aware that there are a lot of community services who help people with disabilities,” said Disa Amyotte, Disability Services Navigator with the FSIN.  “We want to acknowledge those who play apart in that.”