It’s moving day for hundreds of evacuees as some received the green light to return home while others will move to locations closer to the north.

The provincial government announced today evacuees from Pinehouse, Little Red, Sturgeon Lake, Red Earth and Wahpeton can go home.

The communities met the necessary criteria and safety requirements for their residents to return.

Government Relations spokesperson Colin King says the community of Pinehouse is ready for the return of their residents.

“They’ve met the various criteria and the steps are in place that I talked about,” says King. “We’re working with several communities as you can imagine on reviewing all the different criteria but Pinehouse is the one being implemented today”

Moments later during the daily government briefing Emergency Social Services added the four other communities to the list.

Emergency Social Services also announced the Regina shelter at the Brandt Centre will start winding things down.

Spokesperson Karri Kempf says the evacuees staying at the Brandt Centre will be moved to the two Red Cross shelters in Saskatoon. “There was a fair amount of relief and positive feeling about being able to join other community members and to be one step closer to home.”

The Red Cross announced they will assist evacuees with bus transportation, gas cards and food and water for their trip home.