International Effort To Preserve Elders’ Knowledge
Friday, April 29, 2005 at 14:48
The National Aboriginal Health Organization and a number of partners are developing an international council of elders to preserve traditional knowledge and natural resources.
NAHO will be forming a plan of action with the help of the Amazon Conservation Team, the Indigenous Studies Program, and the Indigenous Health Research Development Program.
The four organizations recently signed a agreement to host an international forum of youth and elders from North and South America, who will work together to find ways of gaining cultural recovery and strengthening Indigenous groups.
NAHO policy analyst James Lamouche says the goal of the forum is to talk to elders to gain insight about how to preserve and pass on traditional knowledge.
Lamouche says the Amazon Conservation Team has already implemented a program in the southern continent for youth trying to maintain a traditional lifestyle.
The next step in the process will be decided at a workshop being held in South Dakota next month.